Postdoc vacancy in Oxford
with Prof. Peter Hore.
The closing date is 16 Jan 2015. Brief
details are appended below.
Development and application of
absorption-based cavity-enhanced spectroscopic techniques and
fluorescence-based methods to allow
magnetic field effects on photo-induced radical pair reactions
to be studied at high sensitivity.
Информация о новых
автоматизированных малогабаритных ЭПР спектрометрах “ESR70-03 XD/1” и
“ESR70-03 XD/2”
(буклет в формате pdf,
буклет в формате doc)
Information on new table-size EPR spectrometers
“ESR70-03 XD/1” and “ESR70-03 XD/2”
(unfortunately, only in Russian, pdf
file, doc file)
Информация о модернизации
спектрометров «Радиопан»
Information on the upgrade of "Radiopan" EPR spectrometers
X-Band Two-Channel EPR
EPR Spectrometer for the
measurement of the number of spins
Radiopan 2-EPR System (after modification)
Advanced upgrade of
older EPR Spectrometers
Contacts: Jan Duchiewicz, E-mail:
В этом разделе вы можете
разместить любые объявления, так или иначе касающиеся ЭПР (объвления об открытых позициях, о поиске, продаже или
покупке ЭПР оборудования, и т.д.)
In this section you are invited to place
any announcements related to EPR (e.g., about open positions, about
searching, selling or buying EPR equipment, etc.)