Renad Z. Sagdeev
Scientific Head of ITC SB RAS Academician of RAS Phone +7 (383) 330-31-39 Fax +7 (383) 333-13-99 e-mail rsagdeev@tomo.nsc.ruMatvey V. Fedin
Director. Head of EPR Laboratory. Dr. Sci., Professor Phone +7 (383) 330-12-76 e-mail mfedin@tomo.nsc.ruDmitrij R. Sagdeev
Deputy Director for Applied Matters Phone +7 (913) 919-05-76 Fax +7 (383) 333-13-99 e-mail es@tomo.nsc.ruLyudmila V. Yanshole
Scientific Secretary, Researcher Ph.D. Phone +7 (383) 330-76-35 e-mail