ITC SB RAS has signed official international partnership agreements with the following scientific organizations:
- Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris (France)
- University of Nottingham (UK)
- Hiroshima University (Japan)
- Leipzig University (Germany)
- Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany)
- Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad (India)
The Institute participates in the international collaboration Zero and Ultra-Low Fields NMR,
ITC SB RAS cooperates with the scientists from many other Universities and Institutes worldwide, including:
- ETH-Zurich
- Free University Berlin (Germany)
- Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (Germany)
- MPI for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mulheim/Ruhr (Germany)
- Technical University of Dresden (Germany)
- Hamburg University (Germany)
- Osaka City University (Japan)
- Aix-Marseille University (France)
- Delft Technical University (Netherlands)
- Wayne University Detroit (USA)
and many others.
The cooperation within Russia includes:
- Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RAS (Novosibirsk)
- N.N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry SB RAS (Novosibirsk)
- Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SB RAS (Novosibirsk)
- Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS (Novosibirsk)
- Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine SB RAS (Novosibirsk)
- Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry RAS (Moscow)
- A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds (Moscow)
- Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics (Chernogolovka)
- Razuvaev Institute of Organometallic Chemistry (Nizhny Novgorod)
and many others.