Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Reserach (RFBR) 19-34-80008_mol_ev_a "Human lens lipids aging: the effect of UV irradiation on the development of age-related eye diseases"
Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Reserach (RFBR) 19-04-00092_a "Metabolomic analysis of freshwater and marine fish tissues"
Project № 0333-2018-0009 (Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science)"Physico-chemical study of the mechanisms of UV laser radiation exposure to human eye tissue" project block "Development of methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the field of ophthalmology using optical methods" Comprehensive program of fundamental research SB RAS II.1.
Project № 0333-2018-0007 (Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science) "Proteomic analysis of inducible regulatory proteins of hemolymph in insect pathogenesis" project block "Study of the generation of activated oxygen metabolites and ways of activation of the immune system of Lepidoptera insects in various pathogenesis" of the Complex program of fundamental research of SB RAS II.1.
Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Reserach (RFBR) 18-34-00137_mol_a «Post-mortem metabolomic changes in the human biological fluids».
Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Reserach (RFBR) 18-29-13023_mk «Creation of an open access database of the eye lens metabolome of vertebrates and analysis of factors affecting the lens metabolome».
Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Reserach (RFBR) 18-33-20097_mol_a_ved "Development and implementation of a complex approach to the determination of small organic molecules concentrations in tissues of biological objects using modern physico-chemical methods"
Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Reserach (RFBR) with Administration of Novosibirsk region 18-415-543006_r_mol_a " Search of low molecular weight metabolomic biomarkers of the breast cancer
Grant of the research council of the President of Russian Federation MK-1515.2017.3, «Photoindustrie reactions of chromophores of living tissues that cause damage to protein molecules».
Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Reserach (RFBR) 17-03-00656_a "Spin-selective processes in chemical and biological reactions
Grant of Russian Foundation for Basic Reserach (RFBR) 16-33-00669_mol_a "Investigation of the mechanisms of photosensitized aggregation of proteins"
Grant of the research council of the President of Russian Federation MK-5367.2015.3 "Quantitative metabolic analysis and determination of spatial distribution of metabolites in biological tissues"