Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences


A list of available equipment and setups:

NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance III HD 700 MHz

High-field modern NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance III HD with a magnetic field of 16.4 T, the main proton frequency is 700 MHz. Equipped with a unique Prodigy cryoprobe with receiver cooling by liquid nitrogen. Available probes: TXI, BBO, Prodigy. Used to measure NMR spectra of biological molecules (proteins, nucleic acids, etc.) in the liquid phase.

NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance III HD 400 MHz

Universal and modern NMR spectrometer with magnetic field of 9.4 T, the main proton frequency is 400 MHz. Equipped with a set of probes (TXI, BBO, DUL, CIDNP, CPMAS). Used to measure NMR spectra in the liquid, solid and gaseous phase. Equipped with a laser irradiation system of the sample to perform time-resolved CIDNP experiments.

NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance 300 MHz

Commercial NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance with magnetic field of 7.06 T, the main proton frequency is 300 MHz. It is used mainly in the fast field shuttling system by positioning NMR probe in the stray magnetic field for carrying out experiments in various magnetic fields in the range of 0.1 mT - 7 T. It has a set of standard NMR probes, as well as home-built probes for fast shuttling in the residual field.

NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance 200 MHz

Commercial NMR spectrometer Bruker Avance, the magnetic field is 4.7 T, the main proton frequency is 200 MHz. It is used for routine measurements. Spectrometer is equipped by a system of irradiating sample with laser radiation to conduct CIDNP experiments with time resolution. Available probes: BBO, 1H-CIDNP, SEF.

Fast field cycling setup based on 400 MHz NMR spectrometer for the hyperpolarization and relaxation at variable field

Unique setup created at the ITC SB RAS based on a 400 MHz NMR spectrometer, consisting of a sample moving mechanism in a residual magnetic field, a system of shielding a magnetic field and creating fields down to 10 nT, a system for saturating solutions by gases (p-H2, D2, He, etc. .) under high pressure up to 7 bar, a system of irradiation with high-power LEDs (370- 900 nm) in various magnetic fields. The setup is used to conduct a number of various experiments with non-equilibrium hyperpolarization (PHIP, SABER, CIDNP, ODIP) created in a wide range of magnetic fields from 10 nT to 9.4 T.

Fast field cycling setup based on 300 MHz NMR spectrometer for the hyperpolarization and relaxation at variable field

Unique setup created at the ITC SB RAS on the basis of a 300 MHz NMR spectrometer, consisting of a mechanism for moving a low-weight NMR probe with a sample in a residual magnetic field, a system of electromagnets to create fields from 0.1 mT to 100 mT, a system for saturating solutions by gases (p-H2, D2, He, etc.), the system of irradiation with pulsed lasers (308, 355, 532 nm) in various magnetic fields. The setupy is used to carry out a number of various experiments with non-equilibrium hyperpolarization (DNP, PHIP, SABER, CIDNP), created in a wide range of magnetic fields from 0.1 mT to 7 T.

Solid state Nd:YAG laser Quantel BrilliantB (266, 355, 532, 1064 nm)

The Quantel BrillianB Nd:YAG pulsed laser is used to carry out CIDNP time-resolved experiments. The wavelength is adjustable to 266, 355, 532 or 1064 nm. Energy per pulse up to 50-200 mJ. Frequency 10 Hz, pulse duration 8 ns.

Eximer laser Coherent (308 nm)

Pulsed excimer laser Coherent COMPexPRO. Used for conducting CIDNP time-resolved experiments.
The wavelength is 308 nm. Energy per pulse up to 300 mJ.

Eximer laser Lambda Physik (308 nm)

Pulsed excimer laser Lambda Physik COMPex. Used for conducting CIDNP time-resolved experiments.
The wavelength is 308 nm. Energy per pulse up to 200 mJ.

UV/Vis spectrophotometer Agilent 8453

The Agilent 8453 UV/Vis spectrophotometer is used to measure optical and UV absorption spectra. Suitable for kinetic measurements. The wavelength range is 190–900 nm.

UV/Vis spectrophotometer Ekros PE-5400UF

Ecros UV/Vis spectrophotometer is used to measure optical and UV absorption. The wavelength range is 190–900 nm.

Freeze dryer Alpha 1-2 LDplus

Alpha 1-2 LDplus freeze dryer is used to prepare biological samples, such as DNA duplexes.