1. High-field magnetic resonance imaging Ingenia, PHILIPS company (Netherlands) 3 Tesla, with a full set of specialized MR coils and pulse sequences.
2. High-field magnetic resonance imaging Achieva, PHILIPS company (Netherlands) 1.5 Tesla, with a full set of specialized MR coils and pulse sequences.
3. Low-field magnetic resonance imaging Aperto, Hitachi (Japan) 0,4 Tesla, with a full set of specialized MR coils and pulse sequences.
4. 128-slice multispiral computer tomograph INGENUITY СORE of PHILIPS (Netherlands).
5. Ultrasonic scanner of expert class HI VISION Ascendus of Hitachi (Japan) with a full set of ultrasound sensors, as well as with the possibility of neurosonography, duplex and triplex scanning.
6. Ultrasonic scanner of expert class Voluson e8 from GE Healthcare (USA) with a full set of ultrasound sensors, as well as the possibility of fetal neurosonography, duplex and triplex scanning.
7. For carrying out MR-studies with cardiac synchronization on ECG and pulse, as well as for direct evaluation of these characteristics, there are specialized blocks for ECG and pulse removal, integrated into MR-tomographs.
8. For carrying out MRI and MSCT studies with contrast enhancement, automatic contrast injectors from Ulrich and Medrad companies are available.
9. For model studies, specialized equipment is available - CompuFlow 1000 MR pump from Shelley Medical Imaging Technologies company (Canada) which allows to create various fluid flow profiles that most accurately simulate blood flow in normal and pathological conditions in the volume velocity range: 0, 1 - 35 ml / sec, as well as models of the common carotid artery bifurcation (normal and with 70% stenosis) and the Willis circle model (normal and with a giant aneurysm).
10. For joint MRI and EEG studies, there is a 128-channel BrainVision MR-compatible encephalograph.
11. For performing a fMRI research, there is a software complex for presenting audiovisual stimuli to fMRI subjects of research with synchronous feedback produced by Nordic Neurolab company.
12. For further processing, as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the static and dynamic MRI, MSCT and ultrasound obtained images, there are workstations (expert-class personal computers with appropriate ViewForum software, Extended Work Space, eFilm).