The project of the Russian Science Foundation “Conducting research on the basis of the reliable world-class scientific infrastructure” on -topic: “Neuroplasticity of the brain as an object of neuroimaging” (Agreement No. 19-75-20093) .- 2019-2022.
Grant of the Council on the grants of the President of the Russian Federation in the framework of state support for young Russian scientists - doctors of science, on - topic: “The brain and body fluids as objects of neuroimaging” (MD-274.2019.7) - 2019-2020.
Grant of the Council on grants of the President of the Russian Federation in the framework of state support for young Russian scientists - doctors of science, on-topic: "Comprehensive analysis of genetic and morpho-functional causes of pelvic and abdominal vein pathology" (MD-5175.2016.7) .- 2016- 2017
The project of the Russian Science Foundation on “Conducting fundamental research and exploratory research by newly created scientific organization and university together with research laboratories” on- topic: “Research on the origin, course and prognosis of brain diseases using neuroscience and neuroimaging methods” (Agreement No. 14-35 -00020) .- 2014-2016.
Project of the Presidium of the SB RAS № V.48.1.1. "The study of the morpho-functional features of blood circulation and liquor circulation in humans in normal and pathological conditions with methods of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound" in the framework of fundamental research in accordance with the Program of Fundamental Research (FNI) of the State Academies of Sciences for 2013-2020.
The state contract for the implementation of research works for state needs under the federal target program “Scientific and academic staff of innovative Russia” for 2009-2013 (measure 1.3.2) on the topic: “Development of a new biomedical technology for visualization of cerebral hemodynamics in normal conditions and under various pathological conditions using magnetic resonance imaging” (Agreement No. dated October 1, 2012) - 2012-2013.
The state contract for the implementation of research works for state needs under the federal target program “Scientific and academic staff of innovative Russia” for 2009–2013 (measure 1.2.2) on the theme: “Developing a new approach to visualization and functional assessment of the central nervous system liquid media using modern magnetic resonance imaging techniques ”(Agreement No. 8158 dated July 20, 2012) .- 2012-2013.
Project of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 87 “Study of endophenotypic neurophysiological and molecular genetic indicators of the realization of psychological and emotional personal properties in people with social communication features and representatives of various ethnic and social groups” to perform basic research of the SB RAS together with organizations of the Ural and Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Siberian departments of the state academies of sciences of Russia - SB RAMS, SB Russian Agricultural Academy and FSI " Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Pathology of Blood Circulation named after E.N. Meshalkin” Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of Russia .- 2012-2014.
Project of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 28 “Dynamic brain mapping and cognitive management of physiological functions: fMRI-EEG study” for basic research of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with organizations of the Ural and Far-Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian departments of the State Academies of Sciences of Russia and FSI " Novosibirsk Scientific Research Institute of Pathology of Blood Circulation named after E.N. Meshalkin” Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of Russia .- 2012-2014.
Project of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences No. 121 “Comparative studies of articulation bases of indigenous peoples of Siberia using high-field magnetic resonance imaging, digital X-ray and high-resolution laryngography using interdisciplinary integration projects of basic research of the SB RAS.- 2012-2014.
The state contract for the implementation of research works for state needs in the framework of the federal target program “Scientific and academic staff of innovative Russia” for 2009–2013 (measure 1.3.1) on the topic: “Study of the morphological and functional features of the blood flow large vessels of the abdominal cavity, the pelvic area and lower extremities in humans by the method of magnetic resonance imaging "(State Contract No. 16.740.11.0605 dated 05.31.2011) - 2011-2013.
The state contract for the implementation of research works for state needs under the federal target program “Scientific and academic staff of innovative Russia” for 2009-2013 (measure 1.3.1) on the topic: “Study of the morpho-functional features of cerebral blood flow and liquor circulation using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ”(State Contract No. 16.740.11.0342 dated 05.10.2010) .- 2010-2012.
The program of the Foundation for the Promotion of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere “Participant of the Youth Scientific and Innovation Competition” (“U.M.N.IK”) for the project: “Development of a new approach to MRI diagnostics of vascular pathology and liquor-containing systems in clinical practice of medical institutions ".- 2010-2012.
Grant of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the framework of the “Laurentian Competition of Youth Projects of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences” for the project: “Development of new approaches to studying the morphofunctional characteristics of the vascular and liquor-containing human systems using modern magnetic resonance imaging techniques.” - 2010-2011.
The project of the Presidium of the SB RAS to carry out basic research by young scientists of the SB RAS in the framework of the priority areas of science for the project: “Study of the morphological and functional features of cerebral hemodynamics and liquor circulation using magnetic resonance imaging” .- 2010.
Individual grant of the Novosibirsk city administration to young scientists for the project: “Development of new approaches to the study of the morphological and functional features of the human cardiovascular system using modern magnetic resonance imaging techniques.” - 2009.
Individual grant from the administration of the Novosibirsk region to conduct applied scientific research in priority areas of scientific activity in the Novosibirsk region on - top: “Improving MR-tomographic visualization of blood flow and liquor flow in the head and neck” .- 2007.