1. A. Khe, V. Vanina, A. Cherevko, D. Parshin, A. Chebotnikov, A. Boiko, A. Tulupov APPLICATION OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING FOR STUDYING THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL FLOW STRUCTURE IN BLOOD VESSEL MODELS // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics.- 2019.- Vol. 60.- № 2.- P. 257-264.
DOI: 10.1134/S002189441902007X.
2. A.M. Sorokin, A.V. Boiko, A.A. Tulupov, A.P. Chupakhin BASIC TEST RIG FOR STUDYING OSCILLATING FLUID FLOWS // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics.- 2018.- Vol. 59.- № 6.- P. 1145-1149.
DOI: 10.1134/S0021894418060214.
3. A. Khe, V. Vanina, A. Cherevko, D. Parshin, A. Chebotnikov, A. Chupakhin, A. Boiko, A. Tulupov 4D MR flowmetry of vortical fluid flows in elastic tubes // AIP Conference Proceedings.- 2018.- Vol. 2027.- № 2.- Article number 030123. ISBN: 978-073541747-2. ISSN: 0094243X.
DOI: 10.1063/1.5065217.
4. Kolesnikova I.S., Tulupov A.A., Dolskiy A.A., Lemskaya N.A., Savelov A.A., Petrovsky E.D., Antonov A.A., Maksimova Yu.V., Shorina A.R., Sergeeva I.G., Telepova A.S., Graphodatsky A.S., Yudkin D.V. Overexpression of rRNA genes in a patient with intellectual disability and familial 13p+ chromosome // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine.- 2018.- Vol. 17.- № 1.- P. 243-253.
DOI: 10.20538/1682-0363-2018-1-243-253.
5. Seryapina, Yu.V., Sevost'yanova, K.S., Tulupov, A.A., Morozov, V.V., Shevela, A.I. The genetic predictors of varicose veins of small pelvis: a pilot study // Flebologiya.- 2018.- Vol 12.- № 1.- P. 25-29.
DOI: 10.17116/flebo201812125-29.
6. S.A. Markdorf, E.V. Predtechenskaya, A.A. Savelov, A.A. Tulupov, M.B. Shtark Neurovisualization and Stroke // Uspekhi fiziologicheskikh nauk.- 2018.- Vol. 49.- № 2.- P. 60-71.
DOI: 10.7868/S0301179818020042.
7. Ilina N.G., Krinitsuna Y.M., Taganov A.V., Tulupov A.A., Kolesnikova I.S., Yudkin D.V., Sergeeva I.G. Clinical and dermoscopic features of nevi in patients with psoriasis // Journal of surgical dermatology.- 2017.- Vol. 2.- № 1.- P. 50-57.
DOI: 10.18282/jsd.v2.i1.50.
8. Isanova E.R., Petrovskiy E.D., Savelov A.A., Yudkin D.V., Lemskaya N.A., Dolskiy A.A., Tulupov A.A. Functional MRI study of patients with fragile x-syndrome // Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology.- 2017.- Vol. 7.- № 3.- P. 23-30.
DOI: 10.21569/2222-7415-2017-7-3-23-30.
DOI: 10.1007/s00234-017-1872-5.
10. E. Isanova, E. Petrovskiy, A. Savelov, D. Yudkin, A. Tulupov Resting-state fMRI study of patients with fragile X syndrome // Journal of Physics: Conference Series.- 2017.- Vol. 886.- № 1.- Article number 012007.
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/886/1/012007.
11. A.V. Boiko, A.E. Akulov, A.P. Chupakhin, A.A. Cherevko, N.S. Denisenko, A.A. Savelov, Yu.A. Stankevich, A.K. Khe, A.A. Yanchenko, A.A. Tulupov MEASUREMENT OF VISCOUS FLOW VELOCITY AND FLOW VISUALIZATION USING TWO MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGERS // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics.- 2017.- Vol. 58.- №. 2.- P. 209-213.
DOI: 10.1134/S0021894417020031.
12. Galanina E.M., Tulupov A.A., Lemskaya N.A., Korostyshevskaya A.M., Maksimova Y.V., Shorina A.R., Savelov A.A., Sergeeva I.G., Isanova E.R., Grishchenko I.V., Yudkin D.V. A Female Patient with FMR1 Premutation and Mosaic X Chromosome Aneuploidy and Two Sons with Intellectual Disability // Molecular Syndromology.- 2017.- Vol. 8.- № 2.- P. 110-114.
DOI: 10.1159/000453060.
13. M. Amelin, J. Rzaev, S. Chernov, A. Tulupov CT-perfusion of recurrent glial tumors // Neuroradiology.- 2016.- Vol. 58. Suppl. 1.- P. S48.
DOI: 10.1007/s00234-016-1734-6.
14. Bogomyakova O.B., Stankevich Yu.A., Mesropyan, N.A., Shraybman, L.A., Tulupov A.A. Use of phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging to quantify cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in patients with communicating hydrocephalus // Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii.- 2016.- Vol. 97.- № 1.- P. 20-27.
DOI. 10.20862/0042-4676-2016-97-1-20-27.
15. S. Maltseva, A. Cherevko, A. Khe, A. Akulov, A. Savelov, A. Tulupov, E. Derevtsov, M. Moshkin, A. Chupakhin Reconstruction of unbroken vasculature of mouse by varying the slope of the scan plane in MRI // Journal of Physics: Conference Series.- 2016.- Vol. 667.- № 1.- Article number 012003.
DOI. 10.1088/1742-6596/677/1/012003.
16. N.S. Denisenko, A.P. Chupakhin, A.K. Khe, A.A. Cherevko, A.A. Yanchenko, A.A. Tulupov, A.V. Boiko, A.L. Krivoshapkin, K.Yu. Orlov, M.P. Moshkin, A.E. Akulov Experimental measurements and visualisation of a viscous fluid flow in Y-branching modelling the common carotid artery bifurcation with MR and Doppler ultrasound velocimetry // Journal of Physics: Conference Series.- 2016.- Vol. 722.- № 1.- Article number 012013.
DOI. 10.1088/1742-6596/722/1/012013.
17. O. Bogomyakova, Y. Stankevich, N. Mesropyan, L. Shraybman, A. Tulupov Evaluation of the flow of cerebrospinal fluid as well as gender and age characteristics in patients with communicating hydrocephalus, using phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging // Acta Neurologica Belgica.- 2016.- Vol. 116.- № 4.- P. 495-501.
DOI 10.1007/s13760-016-0608-3.
18. S.V. Maltseva, A.A. Cherevko, A.K. Khe, A.E. Akulov, A.A. Savelov, A.A. Tulupov, E.Yu. Derevtsov, M.P. Moshkin, A.P. Chupakhin Reconstruction of complex vasculature by varying the slope of the scan plane in high-field magnetic resonance imaging // Applied Magnetic Resonance.- 2016.- Vol. 47.- № 1.- P. 23-39.
DOI 10.1007/s00723-015-0726-8.
19. Khaliulin Y.G., Filimonov P.N., Amelin M., Bizunova M., Raginskaya O., Tulupov A., Sergeeva I.G. Multisystem Langerhans cell histiocytosis with primary cutaneous lesions // The European Journal of Pediatric Dermatology.- 2015.- Vol. 25.- № 4.- P. 209-214.
20. Yu.A. Stankevich, M.V. Rezakova, O.B. Bogomyakova, L.A. Shraybman, A.A. Tulupov Hemodynamic effects of pathological tortuosity of the internal carotid arteries based on MRI and ultrasound studies // Applied Magnetic Resonance.- 2015.- Vol. 46.- № 10.- P. 1109-1120. DOI 10.1007/s00723-015-0708-x.
21. A. Korostyshevskaya, A. Makogon, A. Savelov, D. Avdeeva, A. Tulupov Fetal diastematomyelia associated with vertebral malformation: US, MRI and pathomorphological findings // Journal of Medical Ultrasonics.- 2015.- Vol. 42.- № 4.- P. 559-563.
DOI 10.1007/s10396-015-0637-1.
22. A. Tulupov, V. Gorev Hydrodynamic Peculiarities of Fluid Flows in a Human Sigmoid Sinus by Data of Phase Contrast MR-angiography // Advances in Computer Science Research (Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Applications (CISIA 2015)).- 2015.- Vol. 18.- P. 1005-1006.
DOI 10.2991/cisia-15.2015.272.
23. Y.A. Pustylnyak, Y.A. Kazantseva, A.A. Yarushkin, A.A. Tulupov, V.O. Pustylnyak Constitutive androstane receptor-mediated down-regulation of MIR-122 in liver // Journal of hepatology (Abstract book of The 50-th international liver congress 2015 – 50th annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver).- 2015.- Vol. 62.- Suppl. 2.- P. S468-S469.
24. O. Bogomyakova, N. Mesropyan, Y. Stankevich, A. Tulupov Quantitative analysis of the velocity characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid flow in patients with communicating hydrocephalus using phase-contrast MRI // European journal of neurology (Proceedings of the 1st Congress of the European-Academy-of-Neurology).- 2015.- Vol. 22.- Suppl. 1.- P. 628. DOI 10.1111/ene.12808.
25. E. Predtechenskaya, N. Mesropyan, O. Bogomyakova, A. Tulupov Pathophysiology of idiopathic intracranial hypertension // European journal of neurology (Proceedings of the 1st Congress of the European-Academy-of-Neurology).- 2015.- Vol. 22.- Suppl. 1.- P. 645.
DOI 10.1111/ene.12808.
26. Y. Stankevich, O.B. Bogomyakova, L.A. Shraibman, A.A. Tulupov The blood flow rate dynamics through the internal carotid arteries in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia using magnetic resonance imaging // European journal of neurology (Proceedings of the 1st Congress of the European-Academy-of-Neurology).- 2015.- Vol. 22.- Suppl. 1.- P. 764.
DOI 10.1111/ene.12808.
27. Y. Stankevich, M. Rezakova, O. Bogomyakova, L. Shraybman, A. Tulupov Hemodynamic effects of the carotid abnormalities courses by MRI and ultrasound // Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance.- 2015.- Vol. 17.- Suppl. 1 (Abstract book of the 2015 SCMR/EuroCMR Joint Scientific Sessions - P415).- P. 417-418.
DOI: 10.1186/1532-429X-17-S1-P415.
28. V. Gorev, A. Tulupov The phenomenon of longitudinal flow vortices in the sigmoid sinus in humans // Applied Magnetic Resonance.- 2015.- Vol. 46.- № 5.- P. 575-581.
DOI 10.1007/s00723-015-0645-8.
29. Petrovskiy E.D., Savostyanov A.N., Savelov A.A., Naumenko V.S., Sinyakova N.A., Levin E.A., Tamozhnikov S.S., Tulupov A.A., Mordvinov V.A., Kolchanov, N.A., Aftanas, L.I. Influence of serotonin transporter allele polymorphism on individual characteristics of cerebral hemodynamics in humans under the «Stop–Signal» experimental paradigm // Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research.- 2015.- Vol. 5.- № 6.- P. 666-671.
DOI: 10.1134/S2079059715060076.
30. Shraibman L., Bogomyakova O., Stankevich Y., Tulupov A. Asymmetry of cerebral venous outflow // Experimental & Clinical Cardiology.- 2014.- Vol. 20.- № 8.- P. 3963-3968.
31. Bogomyakova O., Stankevich Y., Shraibman L., Tulupov A. Multi-level assessment cerebrospinal fluid flow in patients with Chiari I malformation // Applied Magnetic Resonance.- 2014.- Vol. 45.- № 8.- P. 785-796.
DOI: 10.1007/s00723-014-0558-y.
32. Tulupov A., Bogomyakova O., Savelyeva L., Prygova Y. Quantification of flow of cerebrospinal fluid on basal level of brain by a phase-contrast MRI technique // Applied Magnetic Resonance.- 2011.- Vol. 41.- № 2.- P. 543-550.
33. Tulupov A., Savelyeva L., Bogomyakova O., Prygova Y. Cerebral venous thrombosis: diagnostic features of phase-contrast MR angiography // Applied Magnetic Resonance.- 2011.- Vol. 41.- № 2.- P. 551-560.
1. Sorokina K.N., Samoilova Yu.V., Piligaev A.V., Tulupov A.A., Parmon V.N. The application of biotechnology for the processing of plant lipids into valuable products and their impact on human health. - NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2017. - 174 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0602-3.
2. Tulupov A.A., Semenov S.E., Shraibman L.A., Moldavskaya I.V. Morphofunctional assessment of cerebral venous blood flow by methods of diagnostic radiology. - NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2014. - 256 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0323-7.
3. Semenov S.E., Tulupov A.A., Moldavskaya I.V. Asymmetry of cerebral venous drainage under normal and pathological conditions. Clinic and non-invasive diagnostic radiology. - Palmarium Academic Publishing .- 2012.- 367 p. ISBN 978-3-8473-9896-7
Methodological recommendations:
1. Amelin M.E., Tulupov A.A. Methods of diagnostic radiology of pathology of the retroperitoneal organs: the study guide / M.Ye. Amelin, A.A. Tulupov; NSU- Novosibirsk: CPI NSU, 2018. - 26 p.
2. Grigorieva I.N., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A. New possibilities of neuroprotection in diseases of the brain: the study guide NSU: RIC NSU, 2016. - 53 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0529-3.
3. Yudkin D.V., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A. The molecular basis of Martin-Bell syndrome: the study guide / D.V. Yudkin, A.A. Tulupov, I.G. Sergeeva; NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2016. - 14 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0528-6.
4. Denisov M.Yu., Molokova A.V., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A. Brain and autonomic nervous system. Diagnosis and treatment of disorders in children: the study guide / M.Yu. Denisov, A.V. Molokova, I.G. Sergeeva, A.A. Tulupov; NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2016. - 43 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0530-9.
5. Logacheva G.P., S.P. Shevchenko, V.A. Black, I.G. Sergeeva, A.A. Tulupov. Metastasis of malignant tumors in the brain: the study guide / G.P. Logacheva, S.P. Shevchenko, V.A. Black, I.G. Sergeeva, A.A. Tulupov; NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2016.– 36 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0544-6.
6. Sergeeva I.G., Krinitsyna Yu.M., Tulupov A.A. Neurosyphilis: the study guide / I.G. Sergeeva, Yu.M. Krinitsyna, A.A. Tulupov; NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2016. - 32 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0543-9
7. Sorokina K.N., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A. Contrast preparations for MRI diagnostics. Clinical and experimental application: the study guide / K.N. Sorokina, I.G. Sergeeva, A.A. Tulupov. NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2016. - 32 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0527-9.
8. Astrakov S.V., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A. Neurointensive stage of treatment of ischemic strokes: the study guide - NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2015. - 60 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-03947.
9. Sycheva M.A., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A. Organic brain damage: the study guide.- NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2015. - 32 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0392-3.
10. Sturov V.G., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A. Cerebrovascular diseases and pathology of hemostasis: the study guide.- NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2015. - 48 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0393-0.
11. Tarasova M.V., Gubanova N.V., Razumov I.A., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A., Netesov S.V. Oncolytic viruses in the treatment of gliomas: the study guide.- NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2015. - 27 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0395-4.
12. Smooth P.A., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A. Infectious brain damage: the study guide.- NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2015. - 24 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0396-1.
13. Gorchakov V.N., Sergeeva I.G., Tulupov A.A. Neurosurgical anatomy of the brain: the study guide.- NSU - Novosibirsk: RIC NSU, 2015. - 124 p. ISBN 978-5-4437-0401-2.
14. Tulupov A.A. Basics of cerebral MR angiography and MR myelography // the study guide.- - NSU.- 2009.- 36 p.